Welcome to My Blog

Yes, that’s right. It’s me. Ron Jordan. After a handful of years being absent from the pro wrestling scene, I’m back. But not with the old Ringside Wrestling column, which I enjoyed writing for nearly 15 years. I made a lot of friends, some of which still write to me. Why did I stop writing about wrestling? Simple. Wrestling got to be boring, and I got tired. So, for awhile I gave it up and turned my attention to other writing projects. Since then, I’ve written and had published four Christian-based devotionals, and two yet-to-be published children’s books. My wife, Edna, has also written four Christian-based devotionals. You can go to www.jordanmediaservices.com and check them out.

But now comes RJringside.com – the Blog. It’s just a way I can share my thoughts on wrestling, and hear yours. I hope some of my former Ringside Wrestling readers are still out there and will give me a holla. I also hope to meet some new wrestling fans and hear their thoughts and opinions as well. It’s all in fun, so come on. Join me at Ringside and let’s chat!

Ron J

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